
I am a Frontend designer and developer for several years, I also have development experience on the entire JavaScript ecosystem (writing JavaScript for Web, Mobile and for SAP systems). Today, I hold the position of frontend developer and remain passionate about my job and about new technologies in general. Particularly interested in data science and machine learning, I want to continue my career in frontend development. If you want to know me better, please check my AlvaLabs personality test result.

My primary research interests are:

  • React & Native Development
  • Data-Driven Optimization
  • Machine Learning
  • Quantum Computing

I frequently work with industry and startups on research and product developments. I also work with side projects.

Besides my work experiences, I am involved with web-based solution companies.

Link to my CV(English) for a detailed information.

Link to my AlvaLabs personality test result.

Link to ChatGPT explanation of the resume: chatgpt.calisir.nl.

You can also find a list of my accounts from my Assets page.

I love Cycling, Rowing, Playing Chess and Senet.

You can contact me at: osman.calisir@windowslive.com